
Funky Astrology…

by Stephanie Casher on August 17, 2010

Most of you would probably agree that these have been a crazy past couple of weeks. Have you experienced sudden and unexpected change(s)? Have you seen the end of a life stage, and beginning of a new one? Have you been arguing with loved ones, or struck by a series of obstacles or frustrations that make you feel like the Universe is conspiring against you? If you answered yes to any of these questions, I can assure you that you are not alone. We have ALL been going “through it.” And the culprit, if you choose to believe in such things, is some really funky astrology going on in the skies.

First up, we had two Eclipses in Cancer and Capricorn on June 26th and July 11th. Eclipses tend to bring unexpected events and force confrontations – the goal being to “unstick” you if you are stuck or stagnating. The harder you cling to an inappropriate pattern/person/activity, the more powerful the Eclipses punch to get you moving on to a better place.

I highly recommend reading what Susan Miller has to say about Eclipses. You may find it rather illuminating. I attribute most of the recent craziness to these eclipses, especially if your are a Cancer or Capricorn.

To compound the Eclipse energy, we’ve also had to deal with a Cardinal Cross on August 6-7. A Cardinal Cross is basically when the planets in the sky face off in a series of squares and oppositions. According to Susan Miller:

“What is happening on August 6 and 7 is something we have never seen in our lifetimes and will probably not see happen again…
 Usually we need four squares and two oppositions to create any kind of cross pattern, but this time we will have ten squares (planets at 90 degrees) and seven oppositions (planets at 180 degrees).”

“When planets are in a cross, they are “square” each other, as well as opposed to each other, and this creates enormous tension in order to create necessary change. The cardinal cross will ferret out weak links – anything strong will not be affected.”

On my end, I certainly got slammed with various levels of crisis when the Cardinal Cross hit.  I saw my friends and family struggle with similar tensions.  But it should be pointed out that these “unexpected events” are not necessarily bad.  You could receive some surprisingly good news (which I did, as well :).  The point is, any confrontation has the sole purpose of moving you to a better place.  If you are already on the right path, or if you are flexible enough to roll with the proverbial punches, you may not experience tough astrological transits as “challenging”.  But if you do, know that this too shall pass. :)

The fun doesn’t stop after we pass through early August though. Soon after we get away from the erratic energy of the cardinal cross, we have a Mercury Retrograde period (Aug 12-Sept 20) to contend with. Oy! Looks like we’re all going to need to practice our deep breathing through the month of August. Slow down, be patient, and try not to take things personally. Did I mention that this too shall pass?

For more information on what the month has in store, I highly recommend reading your monthly horoscope at Astrology Zone. For the most accurate reading, be sure to read the forecast for your Sun sign AND your Rising Sign. If you don’t know what your Rising Sign is, just send me your birth date, birth time, and birth place, and I’d be happy to run your chart for you :)

Hang in there my peoples, and good luck getting through this extraordinary month!

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