
Introducing the Casher Family's first Attorney…

by Stephanie Casher on May 22, 2006

This past weekend was quite significant for the Casher Family. We got to watch the baby (by a few minutes, lol) in our family, Eric, graduate from one of the most prestigious Law Schools in the country – Hastings College of the Law. My baby brother’s a lawyer ya’ll!!!

We are all so incredibly proud… From what I understand from the speeches at the ceremonies, as well as testimony from everyone I know that has been through it – Law School is no joke. It’s right up there with being a doctor in terms of stress, pressure and preparation. Eric is arguably the most ambitious of the three of us, and the man excels at everything he does. I didn’t have a doubt in my mind that he’d finish Law School (and so accomplished at that – he was also the Editor-in-Chief of the Hastings Race and Poverty Law Journal and recipient of a Student Leadership Award), just like I have no doubt that he’ll pass the Bar the first time around :-) I really don’t think Eric knows how to fail…

Eric is also exceptional in the fact that he was the ONLY African-American male in his graduating class of over 400. At the Black Law Student Association (BLSA) graduation ceremony (“Black Grad”), there were 10 African-American women and my brother. These percentages, though not surprising to those of us who’ve attended a UC, are still sad. How can we address the structural inequalities that are funneling our Black men into prisons instead of college?

A topic too great to be solved on this blog, I know, but I had to mention it. A big theme at Black Grad was social responsibility. The keynote, Eva Paterson, underscored all the issues we need to be paying attention to – holding the gov’t accountable, global warming, respect for civil liberties, using democracy for good and not evil, and giving back to the community. Basically, fighting the good fight. Pretty inspirational stuff – gotta love Eva. I trust that Eric (with Susana’s help, lol), will use his powers for good ;-)

Congratulations Bro, on another job well done… We are SO proud of you!!!

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