
Off to the Islands

by Stephanie Casher on March 28, 2007

Once again, apologies to my loyal readers for the lack of blogs… I’ve discovered that my desire to blog ebbs and flows. Coming out of my winter hibernation, it appears that I’ve been heavy on the ebb… But spring is here, everything around me is thawing out, and I hope to get back to blogging on a semi-regular basis… That’s the plan anyway :-)

As we speak, I am preparing to jet off for yet another getaway… Ever since my cross-country road trip, I’ve been somewhat addicted to going on vacation. Every three months, I gotta go somewhere. It’s pretty much non-negotiable. And next up is Hawaii… One of my favorite places on the planet. I am beyond excited.

But first the pre-trip planning and anxiety, lol. I’m a little OCD when it comes to packing up and leaving the house and my cats. My boys also seem to have their own bouts with separation anxiety. Both Cowboy and JJ know exactly what it means when I pull my suitcase out. And Cowboy has developed his own little strategy of resistance to prevent me from leaving him…

It’s cute for the first 10 minutes, and then it’s like “Yo, seriously, I’m trying to pack here…”

Anyway, I can’t wait to see KC and the kids, and my Godson!!! So much love waiting for me on the Islands. I also have some heavy duty romance on the agenda as well, eagerly anticipated and long overdue :-) I’ll be sure to update you all with a full report when I get back :-)

PS: Ahna-Kristen, you SAVED me by letting me borrow your backpack! Thank you sooooo much!!! xoxo

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