It’s hard to believe that this time last year, I was making my way through the Deep South in my trusty Toyota, almost halfway through my life-changing cross-country road trip. Time really does fly, doesn’t it?
Naturally, I’ve been nostalgic for the freedom of last summer. The movement, the changing landscapes, the conquering of uncharted territory… Where every day was an adventure, and I was liberated from any and all obligations… I have never felt more alive than I did when I was on the road, but as much as I’d love to roam aimlessly channelling my inner gypsy, lol, driving across the country again is not the practical and responsible thing to do right now. Next summer, absolutely. But for now, my ass needs to stay closer to home. Give the car a rest. Spend time with my cats and my Frover. Save money. Man, reality sure does suck sometimes.
But even though I can’t hit the road and head for Destin or the Tetons, I can still revisit the journey in my mind, engage the memories… Live vicariously through myself, LOL. We begin at the beginning. The first leg of my trip took me from California, through the Southwest, en route to Dallas for the Black Writers Conference. For most of this leg, I had The Poet with me, and he was an awesome travelling companion. Definitely a catalyst for many of the changes that occurred. If nothing else, we sure knew how to inspire each other…
Greetings from LA!
Sedona, Part 1
Sedona, Part 2
The Grand Canyon and Beyond
Utah and Colorado
Work Hard, Play Harder (Dallas)
Downtime in Austin
You Can Find Me in the Club (Houston)
McFriends and McGraws (Dallas Again)
It was during the second leg of my trip that I first started to notice the “change.” Somewhere between Sedona and Savannah, there was a profound shift within me. I turned into a completely different person, fully embracing fearlessness and spontaneity for the first time in my life. It was so liberating! I can’t even describe the sense of accomplishment I felt when I arrived at Jacksonville Beach in Florida and immersed myself in the warm waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Officially Coast to Coast! Solo Diva Style! And having the time of my life along the way…
I Love the South!
Destined for Destin
Coast to Coast Baby!!!
The Inevitable Crash (Atlanta)
Soul2Soul Summer Rolls On (Nashville)
Chicago, Illinois
Well the third leg of my trip was definitely the most drama-filled, lol. It’s funny how I managed to make it through 15 states by myself and without incident, and then in the home stretch, everything that can go wrong–does. Meg was convinced the bad luck was due to a dreamcatcher I picked up in South Dakota… Sure enough when we took it down in Montana, the bad luck disappeared. But near arrests, flat tires, and roadkill aside, I managed to make it through it all, and home, with my sense of humor intact. And tons of stories for the book It was all part of the grand adventure…
Busted in South Dakota
Grand Tetons Nat’l Park, Wyoming
Ride It Til the Rims Fall Off (Montana)
Safe and Sound in Washington State
North Cascades and Vancouver, British Columbia
God Bless the Pacific Northwest
There’s No Place Like Home…
Now that I have some distance from the trip, I can say with certainty that this adventure has been one of the highlights of my life, thus far. I learned so much about myself on the road, and so much about this vast, beautiful country we live in. I want to encourage (and inspire) each and every one of you to make an effort to get out and see some of it. Seize the day, there’s no time like the present. It’s amazing how much a change of scenery can alter your perspective–possibly forever…
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